Rates section

This section defines shipping fees

Type of calculation

Type of calculation


A fixed shipping fee will be applied to all orders


A percentage of order total shipping fee will be applied to all orders

Maximum/Minimum rate

If a rate drops below, or rises above specified amount, it will be set to maximum/minimum rate.

Charge maximum rate

If you have several table rate shippings, and multiple are valid, only the one with highest shipping fee will be shown, others will be hidden.

This will apply, if any of the valid table rates has this parameter enabled.

Show multiple options

This parameter overrides Charge maximum rate setting. So, even if another table rate has checked Charge maximum rate, and it has higher rate, table rate with Show multiple options parameter checked will be shown.

i.e. table rates with Show multiple options checked can not be hidden, if charge maximum rate is enabled elsewhere.

Last updated